The Beet Sugar Gazette was a monthly publication covering the entire sugar beet industry around the world. With offices in Chicago, it was published on the 5th day of each month. Each issue featured articles on sugar beet cultivation and the sugar manufacturing process, and reports from correspondents in sugar producing areas or re-prints of local newspaper articles on local sugar factories. As such it often printed information giving us valuable information on life in early Los Alamitos and the surrounding area. This report is from the January 1901 issue of the Beet Sugar Gazette.
Over 4,000 acres will be planted to beets, and the chances are there will be 50 per cent more. The land has been thoroughly wet by flood water from the hills during the rains last month, and the outlook is as promising as it could be. Plowing has been about finished. The gophers, ground squirrels and other pests that injured the crops by burrowing in the ground have been drowned out. The prospect is that the factory will have the longest run in its history.
Rain fell early in January to just the right amount to put the land in fine condition for farming. Great enthusiasm prevails, and every man who can is planting beets.
Reports from Southern California in general are to the effect that the state will this year raise by far the largest crop of sugar beets in its history. During the last three years the second largest sugar factory in the country has been built at Oxnard, but it has never been possible to work it at full capacity on account of a lack of beets. At the same time, the large factory at Chino has been badly crippled through lack of beets and was not operated this year, while the factory at Los Alamitos has fared nearly as badly. For the first time in three years the ground is now so thoroughly soaked that even the mildest of rains hereafter would make possible the growing of good crops, and the farmers are already preparing to put in a greater acreage than ever before. They are given a double spur in that direction by the announcement that the price to be paid for beets the coming year will be $4.50. for 15 per cent beets, a higher price than has heretofore prevailed.
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The American Beet Sugar Company intends to plant 5.000 acres in the vicinity of Anaheim. Compton, Norwalk and Florence as soon as sufficient rain falls to give the required amount of moisture. At Chino about 3.000 acres will be planted. The soil there is in good condition and promises a rich croo.